Peace Sanctuary Construction



Lumbini site for the universal peace sanctuary is inundated now with the rain water as you all can see. However, as soon as the rainy season is over and the complete lock down situation in Nepal from the Covid 19 pandemic is lifted, we are fully ready to complete this MEVP building.  Just before the lockdown in March, we have also completed 230 pilings ( each one is 17 meter long and 2 feet wide ) for the peace sanctuary foundation. We feel very fortunate that strong professional standard piling was accomplished before the pandemic. Thank you all for supporting personally so far as my close friend and now for the peace project, we are almost ready to start the crowd funding as my vision is to genuinely raise funds for the peace sanctuary project in Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha by offering every human beings to participate with 1 rupee, 1 renminbi, 1 dollar or 1 euro