Nous invitons humblement tous les croyants en la paix à soutenir la construction de ce sanctuaire de paix révolutionnaire à Lumbini, au Népal. Le sanctuaire universel de la paix est en cours de construction sur le sol sacré où la reine Mayadevi a donné naissance au prince Siddharta.
In a world in which there is unending conflict, environmental degradation and widespread fear, anxiety and greed; it has never been more necessary for humanity to co-create a sanctuary dedicated to peace.
The first Universal Peace Sanctuary, currently under construction in Lumbini, Nepal — on a UNESCO World Heritage site — is being designed to bring humanity together for peaceful reconciliation.
When we relate to one another compassionately, there is potential for harmony and peace. This is an opportunity to embrace the richness of your being and the endless possibilities of peace.
Shyalpa Rinpoche, the visionary founder of the Universal Peace Sanctuary, is on a mission to spread peace through his teachings on unconditional love. For over 30 years he has guided his students toward their true essence through embracing the beauty and preciousness of life.
Rinpoche would now like to invite you to join him and become an ambassador for peace.
In the spirit of collaboration, everyone is invited to play a part in peace by donating whatever you can to support the construction. 100% of your donation goes to building the Universal Peace Sanctuary.
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